Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
~~~ Ladies who walk the wilderness ~~~ Welcome to the WILD Times, hosted by my dear friend and one of the most amazing women leaders in the entrepreneurship space, Mitle Southey It’s a 4-week extravaganza of Wild Times conversations, classes and circles on Willingness, Intuition, Liberation and Devotion. ….an exceptional line-up of extraordinary womxn who […]
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
{A SENSE OF DIRECTION} Move forward. Take an occasional left or right, but overall generally, keep moving forward. Don’t go the U-turn only to start the journey all over again, and questioning the turns you took earlier. You might find a ton of new ways, but you’ll end up nowhere. The truth is that there […]
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
{A SENSE OF DIRECTION} Move forward. Take an occasional left or right, but overall generally, keep moving forward. Don’t go the U-turn only to start the journey all over again, and questioning the turns you took earlier. You might find a ton of new ways, but you’ll end up nowhere. The truth is that there […]
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
#StoryTelling 📗📘📕 PRO BONO BOOK COACHING 📗📘📕 Is it time you finally owned your worth, your journey and your niche – and made a bold declaration of it? Is it time to stop information gathering and taking meaningful actions instead that will propel your coaching business in the forward direction and your cash flow in […]
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
#StoryTelling 📗📘📕 PRO BONO BOOK COACHING 📗📘📕 Is it time you finally owned your worth, your journey and your niche – and made a bold declaration of it? Is it time to stop information gathering and taking meaningful actions instead that will propel your coaching business in the forward direction and your cash flow in […]
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
#WriteABook #AUTHORityElevator 📗📘📕 BOOK COACHING 📗📘📕 ✅ Are you done having your book mainly in your head? ✅ Is it time you finally owned your worth, your journey and your niche – and made a bold declaration of it? ✅ Is it time to stop information gathering and taking meaningful actions instead that will propel […]
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
#WriteABook #AUTHORityElevator 📗📘📕 BOOK COACHING 📗📘📕 ✅ Are you done having your book mainly in your head? ✅ Is it time you finally owned your worth, your journey and your niche – and made a bold declaration of it? ✅ Is it time to stop information gathering and taking meaningful actions instead that will propel […]
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
via Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach https://ift.tt/33stP1z https://ift.tt/2yK6SZK
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
via Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach https://ift.tt/2pIq89I https://ift.tt/2yK6SZK
Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach
via facebook page Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach https://ift.tt/2yK6SZK
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