Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach

~~~ Ladies who walk the wilderness ~~~

Welcome to the WILD Times, hosted by my dear friend and one of the most amazing women leaders in the entrepreneurship space, Mitle Southey

It’s a 4-week extravaganza of Wild Times conversations, classes and circles on
Liberation and

….an exceptional line-up of extraordinary womxn who serve from their zone of grace. They will be sharing their stories, skills and wisdom to offer creative and tangible ways for us all to be willing, intuitive, liberated and devoted womxn.

You can also contribute and share by going live on the Open Mic day each week.

This is a completely free event (no sign up required). Just jump into the FB group and the treasure will be yours!

Link in comments.

And for every time that you’ve wondered if you have it in you to actually finish and publish that book, join me in exploring
‘THE WILLINGNESS TO WRITE A BOOK’ on Good Friday! 😉 via facebook page Shilpa Agarwal – Book & Marketing Coach



